Sunday Reflection: Teaching with Authority

A new teaching with authority

I strongly suspect that in the course of our lives, there have been teachers and mentors that have made an indelible and lasting impression on our lives.  When we stop to ponder the simple question, “Why?” invariably, that question will be answered by such responses as, “They knew their subject and could communicate it effectively;” or “They taught more by the quality and authenticity of their lives outside the classroom as well as in the classroom;” or “They practiced what they preached!”   

To be a teacher or mentor that has a positive and lasting impact on one’s students involves teaching ‘with authority’ that has been garnered by humbling learning at the feet of others who imparted the wisdom of teaching with the quality of their lives. 

One of the simple yet profound titles that Jesus bore was ‘the teacher.’  Jesus continues to be an effective teacher because the good news that he taught was radiated by his life.  That teaching was far more exemplified by his open acceptance of those who were considered the outcasts of society – the marginal and the lowly.  That teaching gloried in bringing healing to the broken hearted and challenging the complacent with a reminder of the potential greatness that resides in every person. That teaching was more about love than judgment, inclusion than marginalization, mercy and forgiveness than exacting justice. 

No wonder, then, that when the people heard the words from his mouth and saw his gestures that reflected love and healing, they said, “he teaches with authority!”


Let us drink deeply from this teaching.  May it continue to shape our lives so that we, too, can be signs of his good news in our world today.