One of the ancient Lenten traditions of Rome dates back to the 4th century. The Bishop of Rome would go in procession with the faithful to one of the Churches in the city to celebrate the Eucharist for that day. Winding through the ancient streets and chanting litanies invoking the prayerful companionship of the saints, they marked and celebrated these 40 days as a time of penitence and spiritual renewal.
The ancient ‘Stational’ Church for the first day of Lent, Ash Wednesday, is that of Santa Sabina on the Aventine hill. This marvelous basilica structure is now pastored by the Dominicans and, in fact, is the home of the Master General of the Dominican Order. Not far from the Church is a small park from which one can view a magnificent panoramic vista of the city of Rome.
View from the Aventine
In reflecting on the beginning of our Lenten journey, this splendid view could stand as a wonderful metaphor for the deepest meaning of this time of year for Christians. These 40 days can provide the grace and blessing of a well-needed perspective in our Christian pilgrimage of faith.
These days, what with the incessant noise that continually bombards us through television, radio, podcasts and the ever-present social media, we are more and more becoming inundated with the noise of the perceived urgency of the moment. If it isn’t being frightened to death by a new world-wide pandemic, it is the ramping up for a Presidential election and its ever-present talking heads. At times, we crave the silence of the heart and the opportunity to reflect and cherish what truly is of ultimate importance in our lives.
Repent and Belief in the Gospel
These words of challenge and promise are heard once again as the symbol of our mortality are placed upon our foreheads. We are invited during these days, with unfailing and amazing grace, to root out whatever may cause us to ‘wander far from our true home’ and begin again to live in the joy of the good news of the Lord’s unconditional love and mercy. May our spiritual pilgrimage that begins today lead us to the Glory of Easter with minds and hearts renewed!