Egino Weinert - 1920-2012
My friends, the rich and splendid liturgy of our Church once again draws us into the great mystery of the Risen one – Jesus the Lord – who has conquered death in His Glorious Resurrection and opened for each of us the gift and promise of eternity. No longer are we to be like our ancestors of old, waiting in anxious anticipation for the anointed one who would save us from our sins. No longer are we like the enslaved Hebrews in the land of Egypt, for in Jesus the Risen One, we are freed from anything that would ever hold us captive. Tonight, in the Risen Lord, we remember and celebrate again our own transformation in grace.
As the light of our great Easter Candle enlightens the darkness of our assemby, it is Jesus the Risen one who will forever stand before us to enlighten our path and to guide us into the way of eternity.
As we listen with grateful hearts and minds to the history of our salvation enshrined in the great stories found in God’s Holy Word tonight, that gift and grace is realized again tonight in our hearing.
As we sing our Alleluias and hear again the story of the empty tomb and the words of the Angel questioning why we are looking for the Risen One among the dead, the hope of generations of Christians is once again renewed.
As we, in a few moments, joyfully witness new Christians coming forth from the font of Baptism and fellow Christians received into Full Communion with our Catholic Family, we rejoice with the saints and angels in a Church that is ever ancient and ever new.
My sisters and brothers, may this graced time of celebration renew our faith in the One who has conquered death. May it once again fill our hearts with hope in the face of whatever darkness we must struggle with in life. For Christ is Risen. He is Risen indeed. Alleluia, Alleluia!